Keen-eyed public spot entire marshwort

A recent visit to a garden in West Melton has led to the discovery of the pest entire marshwort growing in a private pond.

The keen-eyed community member had remembered being shown an entire marshwort plant by a noxious plants officer some years ago and was advised to report any potential sightings. Fortunately, he promptly shared this knowledge and reported the suspected sighting to us.

The plant has been confirmed, and since removed from the pond in West Melton. The site will be checked in time to make sure the plant hasn’t grown back. Our staff will also investigate leads on where the plant originated from.

What to look out for

Entire marshwort is an aggressive invader of aquatic environments such as rivers, lakes, and wetlands.

Another common name is the fringed water lily, due to the distinctive fringed yellow flower petals that can be visible from late spring to mid-autumn.

It forms dense mats, easily outcompeting native vegetation and choking up waterway access.

Entire marshwort leaf - Photo credit: Trevor James

Entire marshwort leaf 

Pond covered in entire marshwort - Photo credit: Trevor James

Pond covered in entire marshwort

Entire marshwort flower -  Photo credit: Trevor James

Entire marshwort flower

 Photo credit: Trevor James

Report a sighting

Invasive species advisor Dr Morgan Shields says that reporting a potential pest to us is the right thing to do even if you’re unsure.

"We would rather receive reports of the 'just in case' species than someone deciding it’s nothing and not reporting at all."

"We're more than happy to identify plants or pests that people aren’t sure of. Everyone plays an important role in Canterbury’s biosecurity efforts".

If you come across entire marshwort, please don’t attempt to control it yourself. Make sure you report any sightings to us via our online reporting tool.