Our technical staff analyse air quality data to identify sources of air pollution and the relative significance of various contaminants.

We research what has worked in the past and use different modelling methods to:

  • predict concentrations in unmonitored areas
  • identify likely areas of high concentration
  • estimate population exposure to contaminants
  • assess the likelihood of meeting targets
  • predict the likely effect of various airshed management options.

We often partner with other research organisations such as Crown Research Institutes and universities for specific studies. 

Air quality data

Check out our air quality monitoring data.

Weather plays a part

We know most of Canterbury's winter PM10 pollution comes from home heating. We encourage better burning because during cold, still weather conditions, smoke from home heating isn’t blown away. A layer of cool air sits below warmer air further up, trapping smoke until the sun warms the land or the wind picks up.

Better health is a big factor

There is a substantial body of evidence that breathing particulate matter is harmful to human health. PM10 and finer particles such as PM2.5 can get deep in our lungs and cause health issues, particularly for vulnerable members of society like children, older people and those with respiratory illnesses.